Activity 1 – Research workshops in secondary schools
This output has been realised in the context of the research activity and workshops in secondary schools. The guidelines illustrate how to carry out the research in local schools. Specifically, the document contains proposals about: (i) Methodology to be used for the realization of workshops; (ii) Tools to be used during the research such as questionnaire, templates, etc; and (iii) Material to be collected by students and historical sources to be consulted as local archives, museums, libraries and key figures custodians of the history of the local communities.
OUTPUT 1.2 / Draft of the Report Template for the activities carried out in the schools
This output has been realised in the context of the research activity and workshops in secondary schools and is a template for reporting the activities carried out with schools.
OUTPUT1.3 / Report of the activities carried out by each Partner until November 2020
This output has been realised in the context of the research activity and workshops in secondary schools. Each Partner has been responsible for producing internal reports of the activities implemented with students by the end of the project. The activities include the series of workshops organised for each school, in order to help students to investigate on the complex relation between the local industrial heritage, its history and perception of local citizens about it. Secondary schools have been involved to focus on a certain period of the industrial history of the relevant community and the abandoned industrial site.
OUTPUT 1.5 / Report (Summary) on the research activities carried out by each Partner with schools
This output has been realised in the context of the research activity and workshops in secondary schools and is the final report related to the research activities carried out with schools in each of the partner countries, and comprises the results of the research workshops in each of the partner countries (also organised online), with motivated deviations and final results.
OUTPUT 1.6 / Videos of the activities implemented
This output has been realised in the context of the research activity and workshops in secondary schools. Each partner has produced a video and / or photo-documentation of the activities that have been implemented at local level. The video and / or any photo-documentation produced have been uploaded on the project website and published on social media (such as YouTube or Vimeo), in order to have a wider impact and diffusion with low fees
OUTPUT 2.3 / Collection of the shared storytelling coming out from partners’ decisions & approaches according to the operating model, included in the Final Book
This output was realised in the context of the Script development for each partner country. Ibug developed the final text collecting the insights from the various partners that has been included in the Rescue book. The framework for the collection of the information has been based on principles of transmedia storytelling, in order to weave shared narratives and discover affinities among partners and even before brownfields. Book corresponding chapter “Artworks and Events”
ACTIVITY 3 – Preparation of the artwork/performances in all the partner countries
OUTPUT 3.2 / Shared strategy for audience development
This output has been realised in the context of activity Preparation of the artwork/performances in all the partner countries. The Consortium, under the leadership of Santo Stefano di Magra, outlined a shared strategy for audience development.
ACTIVITY 4 – Representation of a performance/artwork in each country involved
OUTPUT 4.1 / N. 4 performances/artworks represented
This output has been realised in the context of activity 4 – representation of a performance/artwork in each country involved. Ibug e.V. has been responsible for the coordination of the representation of the performances/artworks. Ibug e.V. collected descriptions and results of each performance/artwork from each partner and the final conclusions, following pre-agreed templates. Each partner set up the representation of the performance/artwork in its own country, with the organization of seminars and public events (debates or round table). Seminars and public events focused on the history of workforce in abandoned industrial sites; events, whenever possible, were organized at the premises of the former industrial sites.
GLI SCARTI- act 4 Il secondo regno-cantica industriale-18 jun 2021 photos
photos by Alessandro Ratti, photos by Luca Del Pia
ibug e.V.
ibug e.V. / Italy
ibug e.V. / Greece
ibug e.V. / Germany
ibug e.V. / Germany – Fotos 1. Open WE
ibug e.V. / Germany – Presentation Flöha Preparation
RESCUE KH Improvisation as a life principle – Jaka Berger English
KH Music creation from field recordings workshop – Jaka Berger – English
KH Post-Industrial Dynamics ZM Installation
KH Rescue – post-industrial dynamics kura trailer_4
KH Rescue – post-industrial dynamics kura trailer_3
Associaton X-OP
OUTPUT 4.3 / N.4 local videos & 1 joint final video
This output is a final joint video that has been realised in the context of activity Representation of a performance/artwork in each country involved. Each partner, after having organised the representation of the performance/artwork in its own country, registered the event (‘local video’) in order to produce a final common video (‘joint final video’).
ACTIVITY 5 – Transnational artistic residency and Final Event
OUTPUT 5.3 / Transnational artistic residency and Final Event
This output has been realised in the context of activity 5 related to the Transnational artistic residency and Final Event taking place in Santo Stefano di Magra in Italy from 13 to 18 September 2021, attended and performed by all partners and their respective artists.
OUTPUT 5.4 / Short report on the transnational residency organized
This output is a final report related to the context of the Transnational artistic residency and final event taking place in Santo Stefano di Magra in Italy from 13 to 18 September 2021. The report comprises and collects information on the activities performed and results of the Rescue week including experiences and best practices exchanged by participants during the residency, with the purpose of encouraging a transnational sharing of knowledge and skills.
ACTIVITY 6 – Analysis/planning on permanent regeneration of disused industrial sites through creativity
OUTPUT 6.2 / N. 1 report on the successful elements of revitalization of urban areas
This output has been realised in the context of the activity on the analysis and tools for permanent regeneration of disused industrial sites through creativity and is a report including the analysis of best practices taken from each of the countries and Europe as well as the summary of successful elements of the regeneration of urban areas examined and pointed out by each partner. They were presented within the transnational workshop in Santo Stefano di Magra IT (Sept2021). Experts dealing with national best practices were invited to share their knowledge and experience during the transnational workshop in Italy.
OUTPUT 6.3 / Rescue “Final Book” for an innovative and shared management model for the enhancement of and regeneration of disused industrial sites
This is one of the most important output of the Rescue project, it is specifically related to the activity on the analysis and tools for permanent regeneration of disused industrial sites through creativity, but is a book comprising also other Rescue key outputs: the common shared narrative developed within ACT 2 & ACT 3 as well as documentation and content from the Transnational Workshop held in Italy in September 2021 on the history of workforce in Europe and revitalization of abandoned industrial sites. The document serves as a path to be followed in other comparative realities in order to revitalize former industrial sites in a creative way. Book corresponding chapters “Reflections” & “Artworks and Events”
OUTPUT 6.4 / Rescue “Handbook”
This output has been realised in the context of the activity on the analysis and tools for permanent regeneration of disused industrial sites through creativity. The activity coordinator Klanghaus, invited Vida Rucli and Janja Susnjar, two architects from Italy and Slovenia who live in the border village of Topolò / Topolove to look at RESCUE and to contribute a further dimension to the project. The output, included in the Rescue book, provides an analysis from their own their own personal, professional, theoretical and practical approach to the regeneration of a paradigmatic “site”. Their highly sensitive considerations of space and place, living, dwelling, industry and labour, communities and futures are highly enriching to RESCUE and proffers a roadmap for future interdisciplinary cultural initiatives. Book corresponding chapter “Reflection from the field”.
ACTIVITY 7 – Transnational workshop for the exchange of best practices regarding the regeneration of disused industrial sites through creativity
OUTPUT 7.2 / List of case studies on regeneration of industrial disused sites
This output has been realised in the context of activity on the Transnational workshop for the exchange of best practices regarding the regeneration of disused industrial sites through creativity that took place in Santo Stefano di Magra in Italy in September 2021. The list of case studies includes case studies identified by the Rescue partners themselves and also other European case studies selected from other EU countries
OUTPUT 7.4 / Conclusions of the workshops (included within the “Final Book”)
This output has been realised in the context of the activity on the Transnational workshop for the exchange of best practices regarding the regeneration of disused industrial sites through creativity. The output comprises the results of the transnational workshop, with all details and data, which has also been included into the “Final Book” for an innovative and shared management model for the enhancement and regeneration of disused industrial sites, with social, cultural and artistic activities and purpose drafted within . Book corresponding chapters “Reflections” & “Reflexions from the field”.
ACTIVITY 8 – Public events for spreading the Knowledge about European history of workforce and preservation/valorization of the industrial heritage
OUTPUT 8.2 / Short video (2 minutes) showing the activities implemented
This output is a 2 min video of the project partners’ experiences; it has been realised in the context of the activity on Public events for spreading the Knowledge about European history of workforce and preservation/valorization of the industrial heritage. Each partner produced a short video of the event organised and Ibug produced a short final video of 2 minutes out of them.
ACTIVITY 15 – Project communication, dissemination and exploitation
OUTPUT 15.1 / N. 1 strategy for communication and promotion of results
This output has been realised in the context of activity 15 – Project communication, dissemination and exploitation and is the project communication and dissemination plan. All the partners contributed to developing the joint strategy for the communication and promotion of the results, and implemented it locally in their countries. Klanghaus was also in charge of collecting the reports and evidences on all communication and dissemination activities performed by the partners and related indicator and produce a final report on dissemination.
OUTPUT 15.6 / Rescue Booklet
This output has been realised in the context of activity 15 – Project communication, dissemination and exploitation. A common design and a common graphic layout were used and the project booklet was translated in all partners’ languages (En, It, De, Si) and was distributed both in paper version and available online on the project and partners’ websites and social network pages. The printed version was distributed by each partner in its own country. The link to the booklet is the following:
OUTPUT 15.9 / Video and photographic documentation of the project phases and of the performances/artworks for each country and one short transnational video
This output has been realised in the context of the communication activity on Project communication, dissemination and exploitation. The Rescue final video summarizes the project phases and story.
ACTIVITY 16 – Media and promotional actions
OUTPUT 16.4 / Videos and photos produced by each partner
This output has been realised in the context of activity 16 – Media and promotional actions. All the partners were in charge of producing video and photos during the whole project implementation in order to document in the most exhaustive way all the project activities. All these materials have been collected and edited for the production of a final video. The final video is thought as a digital file that could be uploaded on YouTube or Vimeo, in order to have a wider impact and diffusion with low fees and better reach the youngsters target group. The evidences of photos and materials are collected in the project website gallery:

shopping bag
The Future of Cities. Not for Granted
